Yunnan, China Red Honey Double Ferment
Pickup currently unavailable
About Aolai Mill
Torch Pu’er took experience gained from the Mountain Man project to a group of
small shareholders operating a cooperative mill, introducing quality controls and
advising while creating a buyers incentive for quality and ripeness. The
cooperative mill has grown substantially and benefits from infrastructure
investment and new cup quality opening selling channels in the specialty
The Torch team is on the ground each harvest conducting over 100 process
experiments with staff and students, educating producers across Yunnan with
a focus on low water use methods to reduce pollution and conserve resources
by improving on traditional washing methods. Today, 1,200 tons of green coffee
is processed each year by Torch, including 10 tons of fine specialty micro-lots.
Importer: Torch Pu'er
Relationship: 0000
Price: $5.22/lb
C market Price: $0000
Fair-trade minimum: $0000
Shipping cost: $3.12/lb
Amount Purchased: 794 lbs